Weapons Policy

Possession of any weapon is prohibited on University property and at University sponsored events.

This policy applies to employees, students and individuals visiting or conducting business on University property.

For purposes of this policy, University property includes any property owned or leased by the University, including University owned vehicles.  This policy also applies to off campus University sponsored events.

Weapon is defined as:

  • Any device that shoots a bullet, pellet, flare or any other projectile, whether loaded or unloaded, including those powered by CO2. This includes but is not limited to rifles, shotguns, handguns or other firearm, BB/pellet gun, flare gun, stun gun or dart gun and any ammunition for any such device. Any replica of the foregoing is also prohibited.
  • Any explosive device including firecrackers and black powder.
  • Any device that is designed or traditionally used to inflict harm including but not limited to any knife with a blade longer than three inches, hunting knife, fixed blade knife, throwing knives, dagger, razor  or other cutting instrument the blade of which is exposed.

Weapons are not permitted to be stored on campus or in vehicles. Any weapon on campus in violation of this policy will be confiscated.

Violation of this policy by employees constitutes misconduct and may subject the offender to discipline including immediate termination.

Violation of this policy by students will be adjudicated in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct.  Depending on the circumstances violation of this policy may subject the offender to discipline up to and including dismissal from the University.

Violation of this policy by individuals visiting or conducting business on University property will result in the individual being required to leave the University property or event as the case may be and may also result in the individual receiving a written directive to remain off of University property.

The University may refer any violation of this policy to appropriate law enforcement authorities.

Exceptions to this policy include:

  • Members of Tulane University Departments of Public Safety who are regularly employed by the University and are required to carry a weapon in accordance with departmental policy.  New Orleans Police Department officers hired to assist Tulane University Department of Public Safety. Private security firms must obtain prior written approval from the Director of Tulane University Department of Public Safety before bringing any weapon on University property.
  • A  weapon, real or replica, used in connection with drill, public ceremony or a  theatrical performance.
  • Any federal, state or local law enforcement officer in the performance of his or her official duties.
  • Prior written approval from the Director of Tulane University Department of Public Safety must be obtained when the weapon will be used in a University sanctioned academic course or club sport.  For recognized club sports additional prior written approval must be obtained from the Assistant Vice President for Campus Recreation when the weapon will be used in sanctioned practices and/or tournaments and matches.