- Do not handle the letter/package. Do not shake or bump.
- Isolate the letter/package and look for indicators of potential hazards. Indicators of potential hazards include:
- No return address & the presence of restrictive markings (e.g. PERSONAL, SPECIAL DELIVERY).
- Excessive postage or post marks from a foreign country.
- Addressed to the employee’s title only (no name); or addressed to the wrong name or title.
- Misspelled words or badly typed or written address.
- Wires protruding from the package.
- Package is lopsided or uneven,
- Package has a strange odor.
- Outside of the package shows evidence of oily stains, discolorations, or crystallization on the wrapper/envelope.
- Excessive taping or string.
- Do not open, smell or taste the package.
- Treat the letter/package as suspect.
- If received on campus call the Tulane Police emergency line. Tulane Police Emergency Numbers are:
- Tulane National Primate Center Police emergency: 985-871-6411
- Tulane Downtown Campus Police emergency: 504- 988-5555
- Tulane Uptown Campus Police emergency: 504-865-5200, or pick-up the nearest emergency blue-light phone.
- Other Campuses: Call 911.
- If received off-campus, call 911 and then contact TUPD at the campus nearest your location.
- If the parcel is opened and/or a threat is identified, take the following actions immediately:
- For a bomb:
- Evacuate the area where the package was received immediately.
- On campus, call TUPD immediately. See Bomb Threat for more details.
- Off-campus, call 911 immediately. Then call TUPD.
- For a radiological hazard:
- Don’t handle the package and evacuate the area immediately.
- If you have contamination on your hands or person, do not spread the contamination to other areas or persons.
- On campus, call TUPD immediately.
- Off-campus, call 911 immediately. Then call TUPD.
- For a biological or chemical hazard:
- Do not handle the package.
- Wash your hands with soap and warm water. Do not spread contamination to other areas or other persons.
- On campus, call TUPD immediately.
- Off-campus, call 911 immediately. Then call TUPD.
- For other hazards, such as sharp objects or razor blades:
- Do not handle the package
- On campus, call TUPD immediately.
- Off-campus, call 911 immediately. Then call TUPD.
- TUPD will immediately dispatch officers to the scene.
- TUPD Dispatch will activate the NO Police Department, NO Fire Department, Tulane EMS and NO EMS, as necessary.
- If necessary, the Tulane emergency alert system will be activated with information & instructions.
- TUPD will establish on-scene command and coordinate all responding agencies.
- If necessary, an “all clear” message will be issued once the situation has returned to normal.