The university has emergency plans and teams in place, ready to act, if a storm approaches the New Orleans area. Similarly, you should be prepared to implement your own personal evacuation plan.
Preparing in advance and working as a team can help Tulane University employees cope with the threat of hurricanes. Hurricane season runs from June 1 to November 30. Please follow these guidelines both before and after a storm.
Staying Informed
When a hurricane or tropical storm threatens New Orleans, the university will activate the Tulane Alert Line to provide faculty, staff, students and parents with up-to-date information on storm progress, instructions regarding campus preparations, announcements about closing and reopening of university offices, and other relevant instructions. In addition Tulane's emergency website will be updated with vital information.
Tulane's emergency website:
Tulane Alert Line: 504-862-8080 or 877-862-8080 (toll-free)
Preparing for the Hurricane Season
Each department should prepare a plan for safeguarding university property. The plan should, at a minimum, outline procedures for safeguarding or relocating to a secure area all important equipment, research materials, books, documents and delicate instrumentation. Each department employee should be familiar with their department's emergency plan prior to the beginning of hurricane season.
Departments should also:
- Have all employees update their off-campus information (e.g., home address, home phone, cell phone, non-Tulane e-mail) information at Also, maintain list of such information and distribute a copy to all employees within the department or unit.
- Complete an updated inventory of all computers, office equipment and scientific equipment including description, Tulane decal number, serial number and age of the item. If possible, purchase orders or other documentation that may demonstrate the value of the item should be secured.
- Keep on hand plastic sheeting and tape to cover equipment in the event you are asked to prepare your work area for the storm.
- Stay tuned to the Tulane Alert Line and Tulane Emergency Website.
The president or his designee will announce when the university will close. Some employees have required duties prior to, during and after the hurricane. Those employees designated as essential personnel must report at the time assigned by their supervisor. All non-essential personnel will prepare their work areas and then leave campus to take shelter or evacuate the area, as recommended in official city announcements.
In addition each employee should have their own personal hurricane plan in case the City and Metro Area are under evacuation orders. Employees should be ready to implement their plan and evacuate when a storm threatens Southeast Louisiana.
Please note that employees will NOT be allowed to use Tulane University or Tulane University Health Science Center buildings as a storm shelter. No employees, except for designated emergency personnel, will be allowed to remain on campus in the event of a university evacuation.
To Prepare Your Work Area When a Storm Threatens
- If you have temperature-critical materials contact your Facilities Services office to ensure that emergency power is available.
- Secure all critical papers, pictures, books and other loose items in a cabinet, desk or closet.
- Back up computer hard drives. Make two copies. Secure a copy in your office and take the other with you.
- Unplug all electrical equipment.
- Move as much as possible away from windows to an interior area or against an interior wall.
- Raise equipment up off of the floor, if possible.
- Cover with plastic and secure with tape any office equipment, scientific instruments, fine art, antiques and computers that cannot be stowed or moved away from windows.
- Close and lock (or secure with tape) all filing cabinets.
- Close and lock all windows.
- Close and lock all doors.
- Stow telephone in desk, closet or cabinet.
- Take personal items and backup disks home with you.
- Before leaving, meet with your supervisor to confirm telephone numbers and learn when you are expected to call your supervisor after the storm. Assist other departments as necessary.
After the Storm
- Contact your department supervisor as soon as possible.
- If the university is scheduled to be closed for more than 5 days, employees must call the Tulane employee check-in number at:
Tulane Employee check-in number: 1-877-TULANE8
In addition, instructions to call the Tulane employee check-in number will be included in emergency messages on Tulane's emergency webpage, emails and the Tulane Alert line.
- Provide your department with the telephone number where you can be reached and the status of you and your family.
- Call the Tulane Alert Line at least once per day, or check the Tulane emergency website for instructions and important information.
- DO NOT ATTEMPT TO RETURN TO CAMPUS unless specifically instructed by the Tulane administration or unless the AlertLine Message indicates it is safe to return.
- Once the university communicates that employees can return to campus, begin assessing the damage to your work area. Report all damage to Risk Management.
- To the extent possible, separate damaged items from undamaged items. Keep all damaged items until advised by Risk Management.
- If water damage to electrical equipment is suspected, do not plug in or attempt to start this equipment.
- Secure all equipment against further damage or theft.
- Document all expenses.