Gibson, Tilton-Memorial and Dinwiddie Halls on Tulane’s uptown campus will be closed Wednesday, May 1. For more information, please visit the emergency information page.

Thu, 10/26/2017 - 20:00

RELAY GSE representative Rebecca Halprin will be presenting on teaching as social justice. The description of the workshop is as follows: "At a time when our country appears more divided than ever, when the value of Black lives is publically debated, when the rights of immigrants are challenged, and when the chasm between the rich and the poor grows every day, we desperately need an awakening and urgent course-corrective action. We know how we want our communities, and society, and our world to be. What is less clear is how we do the actual work to inspire change. This workshop will examine practical ways in which we can move towards purposeful action, intentional engagement, and meaningful work to engineer the changes we desire. An emphasis will be placed on teaching and education as a means to achieving these ambitious outcomes."
