Gibson, Tilton-Memorial and Dinwiddie Halls on Tulane’s uptown campus will be closed Wednesday, May 1. For more information, please visit the emergency information page.

Thu, 12/07/2017 - 15:00

Are finals stressful? (Yes.) Do you like dogs? (Yes.) What about cookies? (Yes.) Well then, come to the Bruff Quad on Thursday, December 7, from 3-5, where all of those things will be there, with only a $3 charge that will all be going to LSPCA's benefit. (wow!). Take a break from finals studying by petting a dog, or eating a cookie, or talking to a dog, or talking to a cookie (if you want). LSPCA representatives will also be there, and you can talk to them about their dogs and even how to adopt one if you so wish! Hope to see everyone there!
