Gibson, Tilton-Memorial and Dinwiddie Halls on Tulane’s uptown campus will be closed Wednesday, May 1. For more information, please visit the emergency information page.

Thu, 03/01/2018 - 18:00

CCC will be welcoming Dr. Carolyn Finney for a speaking engagement on campus about her research. Carolyn Finney, Ph.D. is a writer, performer and cultural geographer. As a professor in Geography at the University of Kentucky, she is deeply interested in issues related to identity, difference, creativity, and resilience.  In particular, she explores how issues of difference impacts participation in decision-making processes designed to address environmental issues.   More broadly she likes to trouble our theoretical and methodological edges that shape knowledge production and determine whose knowledge counts. Carolyn is grounded in both artistic and intellectual ways of knowing - she pursed an acting career for eleven years, but a backpacking trip around the world and living in Nepal changed the course of her life.
