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Thu, 03/08/2018 - 18:00

One of the realities of sexual violence is its close connection to party culture. This keynote offers tools for transforming party culture by pairing participant experiences with research about safer, more sex-positive party culture.

This presentation is part of the Wave of Change Sexual Violence Prevention Speaker Series.

Jamie Utt is a doctoral candidate in Education at the University of Arizona, where he studies the intersections of race and schooling and where he has been central in developing a comprehensive sexual violence prevention program. He spent years teaching social studies on Chicago’s west side, working within a committed team to empower young people to unleash their brilliance on the world that often overlooks them. His consulting and training offers educators and students tools for transforming educational environments to realize equity and justice in our school communities. Since 2004, Jamie has worked as a consultant, educator, and trainer across the United States to build safer, more inclusive, and more justice-centered communities.  One of the most dynamic new voices for change and inclusion today, his workshops and presentations have empowered thousands to take personal accountability for making this world a better place.
