Gibson, Tilton-Memorial and Dinwiddie Halls on Tulane’s uptown campus will be closed Wednesday, May 1. For more information, please visit the emergency information page.

Sun, 04/15/2018 - 13:00

Click Here to Register

A canopy of Spanish moss that drapes over a wildlife-inhabited swamp, the Barataria Preserve is a fairy-tale land of green that provides a glance into the quintessential wetlands of Southern Louisiana. The preserve’s 23,000 acres include marshes, forests, meadows, 200 species of birds, and, most notably, alligators who love to sunbathe right off the path (but don’t worry, they won’t bother us!). We will spend the afternoon hiking the boardwalks and dirt trails that wind through this park. This trip is perfect for anyone who wants to get outside, have tons of fun, and explore the local wilderness!

Cost: $10
