Kim McLarin on Creative Writing Non-Fiction and More

Tuesday April 9th 5:00 pm - 7:30 pm

Location: Uptown Campus


Join the Department of English and the Creative Writing Fund in welcoming acclaimed author Kim McLarin to speak in conversation with Bernice McFadden on creative writing, non-fiction, and more. Pizza and drinks will be served. Read more about Kim below! 


Kim McLarin is the author of three critically-acclaimed novels, several essay collections and the bibilomemoir James Baldwin's Another Country: Bookmarked. She is co-author of Growing Up X by Ilyasah Shabazz. Her work has appeared in the New England Review, the Sewanee Review, The Sun Magazine, The Root, Slate, The Washington Post, The New York Times and many other publications. She is a former staff writer for The Associated Press, The Philadelphia Inquirer and The New York Times. She appears regularly on Basic Black, the longest running program on public television focusing on the interests of people of color, produced at WGBH. She holds a BA from Duke University and is a graduate of Phillips Exeter Academy. She is Professor of Creative Writing and Interim Dean of Graduate and Professional Studies at Emerson College.


Sponsored By: Department of English, School of Liberal Arts, School of Liberal Arts, Department of English, School of Liberal Arts, School of Liberal Arts, School of Liberal Arts, Department of English
Open To: Public
Admission: Free
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