The university will shift to remote operations and will be physically closed on Tuesday, Jan. 21, 2025, except for essential personnel. For more information, please visit our emergency information page.

Building Naming Task Force Update

January 19, 2021

Dear Tulane Community:

Earlier this academic year, President Fitts created the Building Naming Task Force and charged it with the responsibility of developing and recommending university-wide principles to guide Tulane’s decisions in naming or renaming buildings on our campuses. The Task Force was further charged with utilizing these new guidelines to provide a recommendation to the Board, consistent with legal requirements, regarding Hébert Hall.
The Task Force, which has broad representation of students, faculty, staff, board members, and alumni, has been working diligently over the past several months to develop principles that align with our institutional values. This is incredibly hard work that we take very seriously. While we have continued to conduct our work despite the challenges of the pandemic, we realize that this work is taking longer than expected.
The Task Force expects to submit the final report to President Fitts on February 5. There will also be a period for public comment to allow all Tulanians to share their feedback and concerns regarding these principles.

Building Naming Task Force Co-Chairs

Thomas LaVeist
Dean and Weatherhead Presidential Chair in Health Equity, School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine

Ana López
Professor and Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs
Director, Cuban and Caribbean Studies Institute

Thomas Reese
Professor of Art History, School of Liberal Arts
Executive Director, Stone Center for Latin American Studies