The university will shift to remote operations and will be physically closed on Wednesday, Jan. 22, 2025, except for essential personnel. For more information, please visit our emergency information page.

Executive Leadership

Gibson signage
Michael A. Fitts is the 15th president of Tulane University. He has launched programs to improve education and services for undergraduates, increase collaboration throughout the university, develop a comprehensive plan for the campus and to secure our financial future.

The provost is the chief academic officer of the university. The provost collaborates with the deans and works with faculty and staff in his office to oversee faculty appointments and promotions, development of academic and research programs and all academic and student-centric strategic planning.

Chaired by the president, the president’s cabinet consists of senior administrators who advise the president on important matters related to management, operations and policies.

The administrative council is a group of key academic and administrative leaders who advise the president and his cabinet.