Increased Testing & Reminders

October 15, 2020

Increased Testing

Testing is a key component of controlling our numbers and enabling us to quickly identify active cases of COVID-19. As we have been able to increase our testing capacity, we have continually increased testing for our community based on where we've detected cases.

Beginning this week, we will increase the frequency for testing undergraduate students living off campus and graduate/professional students:

  • All NTC undergraduate students — students living on and off campus — will be tested twice weekly.
  • All graduate and professional students, who have been tested at least monthly since the beginning of the semester, will be prompted to schedule testing every two weeks.

*Please note, not everyone will receive their testing email on the same day. Please schedule when you receive your email.

The Health Center and Counseling Center are open and available. For more information visit

Flu shots
If you have not yet gotten your flu shot, you can register online to get one tomorrow or find out more at
Stronger TUgether: We must all continue to do our part to fight the spread of COVID-19
While we have seen a decline in cases over the last week, we are concerned about behavior that may be putting our community at risk.  It is imperative that we remain vigilant and follow all Tulane public health strategies.

This means, each of us must:

Mask Up!
Face coverings must be worn in the presence of others, whether inside or outside (residence halls, classrooms, common workspaces, quads, etc.).

Maintain 6 Feet
Everyone is responsible for maintaining social distancing. This means keeping a minimum of 6 feet between yourself and other people who are not from your household.

No More than 15
Students are required to limit gatherings to no more than 15 people. Even in small gatherings, everyone should be wearing masks and maintaining 6 feet of distance.

Clean Up
Frequently wash hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds and maintain hygiene best practices at all times.

Thank you,
Campus Health