Stronger TUgether

July 6, 2023


Changes to COVID-19 and Flu Vaccination Protocols

  • Effective immediately, the university will no longer require – but will continue to strongly recommend – the COVID-19 vaccine and booster(s). Additionally, we will lift the requirement for the flu vaccine but will continue to strongly recommend it each flu season. All registration holds associated with COVID-19 will be lifted from student accounts. Again, we strongly recommend both vaccines and any associated boosters, especially for students who live in communal housing, those who participate in densely populated social activities and those who are immunocompromised.

    *While this policy change will apply to most Tulane students, School of Medicine students will be given separate guidance on their vaccination requirements as they may differ from those described in this communication. This may also be the case for students working in certain labs or participating in certain activities. If you have questions, please contact the person overseeing those operations.
  • In addition, Tulane will no longer require pre-arrival testing and will not conduct surveillance COVID-19 testing on-campus. Symptomatic COVID-19 testing will continue to be available on campus via Campus Health. To access this testing, call 504-865-5255 to request an appointment with a Campus Health provider.
  • We will also discontinue the requirement that students notify the university if they are COVID positive. Furthermore, the university will no longer conduct contact tracing or provide designated COVID case managers. If you test positive for COVID, you should notify your close contacts. You should plan to isolate and wear a mask as directed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We encourage students to communicate directly with their professor(s) about any illnesses. Students who need assistance may contact the Office of Case Management for support.