True Tulane Heroes

September 12, 2014

Dear Tulane Community:

Wherever there is a need, it seems Tulane is there. The latest example -- the Ebola outbreak in West Africa. From Day One of this tragedy, Tulane researchers and doctors have been working tirelessly in laboratories here in New Orleans and on the ground in Sierra Leone and Guinea to provide diagnoses, care and hope. The effort has not come without cost in this disaster, where the line between victim and caregiver is often nonexistent. Our colleagues have lost friends in this fight. They have also had to overcome mistrust and suspicion from a community gripped by fear and uncertainty.

But they carry on, leading the way with Harvard University and others in the Viral Hemorrhagic Fever Consortium. They struggle daily to develop vaccines and treatments that will end this nightmare. Some of their stories can be found here and here.

Visit these pages, read about them and remember their faces. This is what heroes look like. I stand in awe and appreciation of their dedication, knowledge, bravery and humanity.
