Tulane University is helping build a stronger economy in New Orleans. Our focus on entrepreneurship and innovation is bringing new ideas and products to market. Technologies developed at Tulane have spun off 11 start-up companies in the Greater New Orleans area.
The Innovation Institute and Taylor Center for Social Innovation and Design Thinking, the annual Business Model Competition, and our minor in Social Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship, as well as many programs geared towards entrepreneurship in the A. B. Freeman School of Business, including the Albert Lepage Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation all make a difference in the business community in New Orleans.

The Office of Intellectual Property Management serves as a pipeline between faculty and student innovations and the marketplace. Our students have had a hand in developing patent-pending technologies such as an innovative tubing system that promises to improve the quality of life for ALS patients, a technique to rapidly display important biopsy features for diagnosis and an algorithm to make 3-D printing more efficient.
Visit the MakerSpace, an old machine shop where design, invention, innovation and fabrication intersect to allow students to hold ideas in their hands.