Scholarly Publications

Articles and Book Chapters

In Memoriam: Bernard Wolfman, 125 HARV. L. REV. 1893 (2012) (Part of Memoriam to Bernard Wolfman).

What Will Our Future Look Like and How Will We Respond?, 96 IOWA L. REV. 1539 (2011).

A Dean’s Perspective on Ed Baker, 12 U. PA. J. CONST. L. 943 (2010).

A Time-Honored Model for the Profession and the Academy, 158 U. PA. L. REV. 1289 (2010) (Part of Symposium on Work of Geoffrey C. Hazard, Jr.).

The Non-Management Side of Academic Administration, 41 U. TOL. L. REV. 283 (2010).

Foreword: The Evolution of International Law, 30 U. PA. J. INT. L. at i-vi (2009) (Foreword to 30th Anniversary Issue Contributions).

Targeted Transparency, 7 ELECTION L.J. 137 (2008) (reviewing Archon Fung et al's FULL DISCLOSURE: THE PERILS AND PROMISE OF TRANSPARENCY (2007)).

Back to the Future: The Supreme Courts Response to the Changing Goals and Functions of Modern Political Parties, in THE SUPREME COURT AND THE ELECTORAL PROCESS (David Hope ed., 2002).

The Complicated Ingredients of Wisdom and Leadership, 16 HARV. BLACKLETTER L.J. 17 (2000).

The Hazards of Legal Fine Tuning: Confronting the Free Will Problem in Election Law Scholarship, 32 LOY. L. REV. 1121 (1999).

The Legalization of the Modern Presidency: Twenty-Five Years After Watergate, 43 ST. LOUIS U. L.J. 725 (1999).

The Triumph of Timing: 'Raines v. Byrd' and the Modern Supreme Court's Attempts to Control Constitutional Confrontations, 86 GEO. L.J. 351 (1998) (with Devins).

The Paradox of Power in the Modern State: Why a Unitary Centralized Presidency May Not Exhibit Effective or Legitimate Leadership, 144 U. PA. L. REV. 827 (1996).

Book Review, 13 J. POL. ANAL. & MGMT. 811 (1994) (reviewing G. COX & M. MCCUBBINS, LEGISLATIVE LEVIATHAN (1994)).

Ways of Thinking about the Unitary Executive, 15 CARDOZO L. REV. 323 (1993).

Book Review, 12 J. POL. ANAL. & MGMT. 223 (1993) (reviewing B. ACKERMAN, WE THE PEOPLE (1993)).

Book Review, 10 CONST. COM. 194 (1992) (reviewing J. FISHKIN, DEMOCRACY AND DELIBERATION (1993)).


Controlling Congress: Presidential Influence in Domestic Fiscal Policy, 80 GEO. L.J. 1737 (1992) (with Inman).


Working Papers

Rethinking Separation of Powers from the Ground Up: The Political Dynamic of Separated Powers (U. Pa. Institute for Law and Economics) (Portions Presented at the Convention of the American Political Science Association) (148 pages).

The Budgetary Effects of the Voting Rights Act: Did VRA Make a Difference? (with Inman) (U. Pa. Institute for Law and Economics) (Portions Presented at the Convention of the American Political Science Association) (42 pages). Â